The passion for the future of Lineapelle Designers Edition

Last July saw the debut of Lineapelle Young Designers Edition. On 17 September, the fourth Lineapelle Designers Edition will be celebrated. Two events exploring, in different and similar ways at the same time, the future of leather and fashion identity

by Luca Fumagalli


Four + one. Four because Lineapelle Designers Edition will be celebrating its fourth edition from 17 to 19 September at Fiera Milano Rho (hall 24), demonstrating a design vitality that has made this event a regular fixture at Lineapelle, as well as a (further) tool to elevate its identity well beyond that of a ‘simple’ exhibition show. One is because Lineapelle Designers Edition, giving strength to its passion for the future, gave life last July to the first edition of its Young spin-off dedicated to the designers of tomorrow.

The first Lineapelle Young Designers Edition

Last 4 July in Milan, in the context of Spazio Lineapelle, the debut of the Lineapelle Young Designers Edition, reserved for students from the top fashion institutes in Italy, took place. It was a veritable feast of creativity with ten schools for over 40 students who presented a series of looks that, as a stylistic delivery, had given expression to a new vision of leather. A gallery of garments that impressed for the professional approach, the ability to interpret the material, and the level of creativity. Protagonists: Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Accademia Costume & Moda, Accademia del Lusso, AFOL Moda, Harim Accademia Euromediterranea, IED – Istituto Europeo Di Design, Università IUAV di Venezia, Polimoda, Scuola Del Design Politecnico di Milano, Officina Vanvitelli Università degli Studi della Campania.

Make way for young people

In front of a packed square, the future stylists staged a show that, as Fulvia Bacchi (CEO of Lineapelle) recalled, was part of a training tradition that goes way back. Exactly since 1984, “the year in which Lineapelle gave life to the Young Designers Competition”. An initiative that, over the course of 40 years, has discovered and launched some leading creatives and that, having fulfilled its mission, finds energy and vision in this Young Designers Edition.

“Largo ai giovani” (Make way for young people), stressed Mariella Milani, a journalist and fashion and costume expert. The effort that UNIC – Concerie Italiane and Lineapelle have been making for 40 years to promote young people through workshops and training projects in collaboration with the most important Italian and international fashion institutes is “definitely commendable. A positive example of collaboration between school and industry”.

The fourth Lineapelle Designers Edition

As usual, the fourth Lineapelle Designers Edition will have a double stage: Lineapelle for the fashion shows and Spazio Lineapelle (Milan, Piazza Tomasi di Lampedusa) for the fashion presentations. At the fair, in the Fashion Show Area of Pavilion 24, Lineapelle proposes 6 events, hosting on the catwalk a group of stylists and their brands who have been asked to give leather new stylistic and product directions, subjecting it to new and stimulating creative interventions. It is a true work of exploration, necessary to open new horizons to a material historically of reference for fashion and luxury.

On show will be Yezael by Angelo Cruciani, Daqingliu, Anton Giulio Grande, Davii, Mario Dice Designer and Alchètipo by Andrea Alchieri. At Spazio Lineapelle, on the other hand, from 18 to 23 September, there will be presentations by Marco Rambaldi (special guest – fashion show), Jonuel, Amato Daniele, Brutus Factory and Porscia Yeganeh.

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