Why green and why blue: Summer 2022 according to Lineapelle

Why green and why blue: Summer 2022 according to Lineapelle

For the Summer 2022 season, Lineapelle’s creative message is an invitation to take care of ourselves, welcoming a change that is going to turn, in terms of meaning, around two special tones

Fix the Future is the claim gathering Lineapelle’s creative and design suggestions for Summer 2022. That means, as its Fashion Committee explains, that we need to be aware that we are facing a “a new scenario”, in which “two great routes” intertwine.

Two points of view, whose “symbiosis is becoming the inspiration for a different tomorrow”. As Antonella Bertagnin (Coordinator of the Lineapelle Fashion Committee) explains, they are identified by two colours.

Why two colours?

First of all, let us tell you something. The choice of appointing green and blue as the reference colours for Summer 2022 is not a real indication for product development, but it involves a broader suggestion.

In other words, “this choice – Bertagnin says – has been inspired by the book Green and blue – Naïve ideas to improve politics (published by Raffaello Cortina) written by Luciano Floridi, a philosopher”. According to him, green and blue “are the turning points for the 21st century.

They are two meta colours that become concepts, flashes of a contemporary society to be inhabited physically and culturally”. They stand for a naive idea, but in a positive sense. Actually, the word “naive” includes the meaning of simple, free, native, as well”.

Green and blue

In this context, “green identifies a green, circular society, based on sharing. But it is, also, the signal of an epoch-making change looking to sustainability – Bertagnin continues -. Green turns into a synonym for openness and attention to the other, where the other is not only the human being, but his taking part to living on the planet”.

Then, we have blue, standing for “innovation. Blue is the colour of a mature society, of digital services and open source. Blue is a phygital world, where the digital environment is not only a way of communicating”.

As a result: “The synthesis of these activities fosters a way of living together centered on the quality of relationships and of processes, instead of on consumption and on things”.