Green or not green? 5 inputs to become a sustainable brand

There is no more time to waste time. It is not a contradiction, but the synthesis of an absolute necessity of the fashion system brand. The one of writing down strategies and operations that allow them to enter the current path of radical rethinking of their business. A rethinking that can only be aimed at sustainability, the real one, which, to begin with, can start from these 5 inputs 

in collaboration with altavia.disko


The fashion system is subject to a radical rethinking. In recent years, consumers have become increasingly aware of their choices and the pandemic has strengthened sustainability as an essential necessity for the very existence of a brand. The dynamism of this industry, essential for intercepting and channeling the identity and customs of our society, therefore meets a global change. Objective: to become icons of a new low-impact technological world. How to do? For example, identifying the 5 inputs to become a sustainable brand.


The 5 inputs to become a sustainable brand

Number 1> Identify a purpose

That is, to define a higher purpose to which to dedicate the business activity. It is essential for a brand to have one that guides its identity, processes and is easily recognizable by its audience. Companies must not limit themselves to sporadic facade interventions. The market pays attention to the consistency of values ​​and, soon, the legislator will punish phenomena such as greenwashing in an ever more decisive manner. Sustainability must, therefore, become an intrinsic quality of the brands for which it is essential to know how to transmit their values ​​externally. Even the phenomenon of green hiding, namely the absence of communication of virtuous practices, damages brands because it hinders the consumer in making an informed choice, preventing the comparison and development of a “healthy” competitive dynamic.

Number 2> Reduce CO2 emissions

The reduction of the environmental impact is, in a structural way, the fundamental challenge for the survival of the entire planet. The Climate Neutrality announced this August by Two Thirds represents an example of declination of this goal. As well as those of Wrad, Armedangels, Knowledge Cotton Apparel. The big groups (such as Kering, Adidas, Luxottica, Ferragamo just to named a few) are no exception.

Number 3> Rethinking logistics

Put the management of stocks, the disposal of inventories and the development of a short supply chain in the critical spotlight. It is difficult to imagine a future for the scenario we are used to. That one, in which goods travel for thousands of kilometers (and in very large quantities) between different points of the supply chain. In the near future, rational coordination of all aspects of logistics will be essential for brands.

From the choice of “greener” means of transport to a rational management of warehouse inventories, the entire sales and distribution process will have to be reviewed in a sustainable key from both an environmental and financial point of view. In this sense, the business models of many companies need to be radically rethought. Upcycling (we can mention, for example, the Reimagine collection by Pinko and the evolutionary project by Dyloan) and the second hand fall into this category with the second destined to go from the current 2% to 10% -15% by 2024 (source Boston Consulting). Without forgetting the current work in progress of many reshoring projects from the Far East.



Number 4> Consider the territory

With its cultural and manufacturing sociodiversity, the territory is an inalienable element on a competitive level. We need to take care of those we live in, use and consume. Brands must, in turn, consider the territories where they produce as values ​​to be preserved and developed, generating well-being not only from an economic point of view.

Number 5> Taking care of people

It is the corollary of point 4 and is relative to people. Diversity inclusion and enhancement programs are a necessary tool to enable brands to listen to changes and channel them into their content proposal. We need to take care of those who contribute to transforming our purpose into products and services to offer to the market. The reputation of a brand is, in fact, strongly linked to its social policies and there are more and more virtuous examples rewarded by the market. Corporate welfare has become fundamental for sustainable development. The old vision of a vertical business is about to be replaced by a new, horizontal one, which listens, values ​​and includes people in decision-making processes.

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